
Undocumented in source.
class SKImageFilter : SKObject {}


this(void* handle, bool owns)
Undocumented in source.



class CropRect
Undocumented in source.


void Dispose(bool disposing)
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Static functions

SKImageFilter CreateAlphaThreshold(SKRectI region, float innerThreshold, float outerThreshold, SKImageFilter input)
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SKImageFilter CreateAlphaThreshold(SKRegion region, float innerThreshold, float outerThreshold, SKImageFilter input)
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SKImageFilter CreateArithmetic(float k1, float k2, float k3, float k4, bool enforcePMColor, SKImageFilter background, SKImageFilter foreground, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreateBlendMode(SKBlendMode mode, SKImageFilter background, SKImageFilter foreground, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreateBlur(float sigmaX, float sigmaY, SKImageFilter input, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreateBlur(float sigmaX, float sigmaY, SKShaderTileMode tileMode, SKImageFilter input, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreateColorFilter(SKColorFilter cf, SKImageFilter input, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreateCompose(SKImageFilter outer, SKImageFilter inner)
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SKImageFilter CreateDilate(int radiusX, int radiusY, SKImageFilter input, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreateDisplacementMapEffect(SKDisplacementMapEffectChannelSelectorType xChannelSelector, SKDisplacementMapEffectChannelSelectorType yChannelSelector, float scale, SKImageFilter displacement, SKImageFilter input, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreateDisplacementMapEffect(SKColorChannel xChannelSelector, SKColorChannel yChannelSelector, float scale, SKImageFilter displacement, SKImageFilter input, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreateDistantLitDiffuse(SKPoint3 direction, SKColor lightColor, float surfaceScale, float kd, SKImageFilter input, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreateDistantLitSpecular(SKPoint3 direction, SKColor lightColor, float surfaceScale, float ks, float shininess, SKImageFilter input, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreateDropShadow(float dx, float dy, float sigmaX, float sigmaY, SKColor color, SKDropShadowImageFilterShadowMode shadowMode, SKImageFilter input, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreateDropShadow(float dx, float dy, float sigmaX, float sigmaY, SKColor color, SKImageFilter input, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreateDropShadowOnly(float dx, float dy, float sigmaX, float sigmaY, SKColor color, SKImageFilter input, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreateErode(int radiusX, int radiusY, SKImageFilter input, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreateImage(SKImage image)
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SKImageFilter CreateImage(SKImage image, SKRect src, SKRect dst, SKFilterQuality filterQuality)
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SKImageFilter CreateMagnifier(SKRect src, float inset, SKImageFilter input, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreateMatrix(SKMatrix matrix, SKFilterQuality quality, SKImageFilter input)
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SKImageFilter CreateMatrixConvolution(SKSizeI kernelSize, float[] kernel, float gain, float bias, SKPointI kernelOffset, SKMatrixConvolutionTileMode tileMode, bool convolveAlpha, SKImageFilter input, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreateMatrixConvolution(SKSizeI kernelSize, float[] kernel, float gain, float bias, SKPointI kernelOffset, SKShaderTileMode tileMode, bool convolveAlpha, SKImageFilter input, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreateMerge(SKImageFilter[] filters, SKBlendMode[] modes, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreateMerge(SKImageFilter[] filters, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreateOffset(float dx, float dy, SKImageFilter input, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreatePaint(SKPaint paint, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreatePicture(SKPicture picture)
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SKImageFilter CreatePicture(SKPicture picture, SKRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreatePointLitDiffuse(SKPoint3 location, SKColor lightColor, float surfaceScale, float kd, SKImageFilter input, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreatePointLitSpecular(SKPoint3 location, SKColor lightColor, float surfaceScale, float ks, float shininess, SKImageFilter input, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreateSpotLitDiffuse(SKPoint3 location, SKPoint3 target, float specularExponent, float cutoffAngle, SKColor lightColor, float surfaceScale, float kd, SKImageFilter input, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreateSpotLitSpecular(SKPoint3 location, SKPoint3 target, float specularExponent, float cutoffAngle, SKColor lightColor, float surfaceScale, float ks, float shininess, SKImageFilter input, SKImageFilter.CropRect cropRect)
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SKImageFilter CreateTile(SKRect src, SKRect dst, SKImageFilter input)
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SKImageFilter GetObject(void* handle)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.

Inherited Members

From SKObject

void* Handle()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
void Handle(void* value)
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void registerOwnedObject(void* handle, SKObject obj)
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void registerKeepAliveObject(void* handle, SKObject obj)
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void DisposeUnownedManaged()
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void DisposeManaged()
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void DisposeNative()
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TSkiaObject GetOrAddObject(void* handle, Func!(void*, bool, TSkiaObject) objectFactory)
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TSkiaObject GetOrAddObject(void* handle, bool owns, Func!(void*, bool, TSkiaObject) objectFactory)
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TSkiaObject GetOrAddObject(void* handle, bool owns, bool unrefExisting, Func!(void*, bool, TSkiaObject) objectFactory)
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void RegisterHandle(void* handle, SKObject instance)
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void DeregisterHandle(void* handle, SKObject instance)
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bool GetInstance(void* handle, TSkiaObject instance)
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void PreventPublicDisposal()
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void RevokeOwnership(SKObject newOwner)
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T OwnedBy(T child, SKObject owner)
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T Owned(T owner, SKObject child)
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T Referenced(T owner, SKObject child)
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T[] PtrToStructureArray(void* intPtr, int count)
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