
Undocumented in source.
class SKCanvas : SKObject {}


this(void* handle, bool owns)
Undocumented in source.
this(SKBitmap bitmap)
Undocumented in source.



void Clear()
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void Clear(SKColor color)
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void ClipPath(SKPath path, SKClipOperation operation, bool antialias)
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void ClipRect(SKRect rect, SKClipOperation operation, bool antialias)
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void ClipRegion(SKRegion region, SKClipOperation operation)
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void ClipRoundRect(SKRoundRect rect, SKClipOperation operation, bool antialias)
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void Concat(SKMatrix m)
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SKRectI DeviceClipBounds()
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void Discard()
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void DisposeNative()
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void DrawAnnotation(SKRect rect, string key, SKData value)
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void DrawArc(SKRect oval, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, bool useCenter, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawAtlas(SKImage atlas, SKRect[] sprites, SKRotationScaleMatrix[] transforms, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawAtlas(SKImage atlas, SKRect[] sprites, SKRotationScaleMatrix[] transforms, SKColor[] colors, SKBlendMode mode, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawAtlas(SKImage atlas, SKRect[] sprites, SKRotationScaleMatrix[] transforms, SKColor[] colors, SKBlendMode mode, SKRect cullRect, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawBitmap(SKBitmap bitmap, SKPoint p, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawBitmap(SKBitmap bitmap, float x, float y, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawBitmap(SKBitmap bitmap, SKRect dest, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawBitmap(SKBitmap bitmap, SKRect source, SKRect dest, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawBitmapLattice(SKBitmap bitmap, int[] xDivs, int[] yDivs, SKRect dst, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawBitmapLattice(SKBitmap bitmap, SKLattice lattice, SKRect dst, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawBitmapNinePatch(SKBitmap bitmap, SKRectI center, SKRect dst, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawCircle(float cx, float cy, float radius, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawCircle(SKPoint c, float radius, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawColor(SKColor color, SKBlendMode mode)
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void DrawDrawable(SKDrawable drawable, SKMatrix matrix)
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void DrawDrawable(SKDrawable drawable, float x, float y)
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void DrawDrawable(SKDrawable drawable, SKPoint p)
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void DrawImage(SKImage image, SKPoint p, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawImage(SKImage image, float x, float y, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawImage(SKImage image, SKRect dest, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawImage(SKImage image, SKRect source, SKRect dest, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawImageLattice(SKImage image, int[] xDivs, int[] yDivs, SKRect dst, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawImageLattice(SKImage image, SKLattice lattice, SKRect dst, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawImageNinePatch(SKImage image, SKRectI center, SKRect dst, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawLine(SKPoint p0, SKPoint p1, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawLine(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawLinkDestinationAnnotation(SKRect rect, SKData value)
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SKData DrawLinkDestinationAnnotation(SKRect rect, string value)
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void DrawNamedDestinationAnnotation(SKPoint point, SKData value)
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SKData DrawNamedDestinationAnnotation(SKPoint point, string value)
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void DrawOval(float cx, float cy, float rx, float ry, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawOval(SKPoint c, SKSize r, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawOval(SKRect rect, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawPaint(SKPaint paint)
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void DrawPatch(SKPoint[] cubics, SKColor[] colors, SKPoint[] texCoords, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawPatch(SKPoint[] cubics, SKColor[] colors, SKPoint[] texCoords, SKBlendMode mode, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawPath(SKPath path, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawPicture(SKPicture picture, float x, float y, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawPicture(SKPicture picture, SKPoint p, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawPicture(SKPicture picture, SKMatrix matrix, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawPicture(SKPicture picture, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawPoint(SKPoint p, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawPoint(float x, float y, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawPoint(SKPoint p, SKColor color)
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void DrawPoint(float x, float y, SKColor color)
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void DrawPoints(SKPointMode mode, SKPoint[] points, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawPositionedText(string text, SKPoint[] points, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawPositionedText(byte[] text, SKPoint[] points, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawPositionedText(void* buffer, int length, SKPoint[] points, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawRect(float x, float y, float w, float h, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawRect(SKRect rect, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawRegion(SKRegion region, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawRoundRect(SKRoundRect rect, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawRoundRect(float x, float y, float w, float h, float rx, float ry, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawRoundRect(SKRect rect, float rx, float ry, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawRoundRect(SKRect rect, SKSize r, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawRoundRectDifference(SKRoundRect outer, SKRoundRect inner, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawSurface(SKSurface surface, SKPoint p, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawSurface(SKSurface surface, float x, float y, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawText(SKTextBlob text, float x, float y, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawText(string text, SKPoint p, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawText(string text, float x, float y, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawText(string text, float x, float y, SKFont font, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawText(byte[] text, SKPoint p, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawText(byte[] text, float x, float y, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawText(void* buffer, int length, SKPoint p, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawText(void* buffer, int length, float x, float y, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawTextOnPath(string text, SKPath path, SKPoint offset, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawTextOnPath(string text, SKPath path, float hOffset, float vOffset, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawTextOnPath(string text, SKPath path, SKPoint offset, bool warpGlyphs, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawTextOnPath(string text, SKPath path, SKPoint offset, bool warpGlyphs, SKFont font, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawTextOnPath(byte[] text, SKPath path, SKPoint offset, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawTextOnPath(byte[] text, SKPath path, float hOffset, float vOffset, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawTextOnPath(void* buffer, int length, SKPath path, SKPoint offset, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawTextOnPath(void* buffer, int length, SKPath path, float hOffset, float vOffset, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawUrlAnnotation(SKRect rect, SKData value)
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SKData DrawUrlAnnotation(SKRect rect, string value)
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void DrawVertices(SKVertexMode vmode, SKPoint[] vertices, SKColor[] colors, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawVertices(SKVertexMode vmode, SKPoint[] vertices, SKPoint[] texs, SKColor[] colors, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawVertices(SKVertexMode vmode, SKPoint[] vertices, SKPoint[] texs, SKColor[] colors, ushort[] indices, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawVertices(SKVertexMode vmode, SKPoint[] vertices, SKPoint[] texs, SKColor[] colors, SKBlendMode mode, ushort[] indices, SKPaint paint)
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void DrawVertices(SKVertices vertices, SKBlendMode mode, SKPaint paint)
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void Flush()
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bool GetDeviceClipBounds(SKRectI bounds)
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bool GetLocalClipBounds(SKRect bounds)
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bool IsClipEmpty()
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bool IsClipRect()
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SKRect LocalClipBounds()
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bool QuickReject(SKRect rect)
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bool QuickReject(SKPath path)
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void ResetMatrix()
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void Restore()
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void RestoreToCount(int count)
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void RotateDegrees(float degrees)
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void RotateDegrees(float degrees, float px, float py)
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void RotateRadians(float radians)
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void RotateRadians(float radians, float px, float py)
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int Save()
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int SaveCount()
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int SaveLayer(SKRect limit, SKPaint paint)
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int SaveLayer(SKPaint paint)
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int SaveLayer()
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void Scale(float s)
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void Scale(float sx, float sy)
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void Scale(SKPoint size)
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void Scale(float sx, float sy, float px, float py)
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void SetMatrix(SKMatrix matrix)
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void Skew(float sx, float sy)
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void Skew(SKPoint skew)
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SKMatrix TotalMatrix()
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void Translate(float dx, float dy)
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void Translate(SKPoint point)
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Static functions

SKCanvas GetObject(void* handle, bool owns, bool unrefExisting)
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Inherited Members

From SKObject

void* Handle()
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void Handle(void* value)
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void registerOwnedObject(void* handle, SKObject obj)
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void registerKeepAliveObject(void* handle, SKObject obj)
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void DisposeUnownedManaged()
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void DisposeManaged()
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void DisposeNative()
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TSkiaObject GetOrAddObject(void* handle, Func!(void*, bool, TSkiaObject) objectFactory)
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TSkiaObject GetOrAddObject(void* handle, bool owns, Func!(void*, bool, TSkiaObject) objectFactory)
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TSkiaObject GetOrAddObject(void* handle, bool owns, bool unrefExisting, Func!(void*, bool, TSkiaObject) objectFactory)
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void RegisterHandle(void* handle, SKObject instance)
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void DeregisterHandle(void* handle, SKObject instance)
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bool GetInstance(void* handle, TSkiaObject instance)
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void PreventPublicDisposal()
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void RevokeOwnership(SKObject newOwner)
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T OwnedBy(T child, SKObject owner)
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T Owned(T owner, SKObject child)
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T Referenced(T owner, SKObject child)
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T[] PtrToStructureArray(void* intPtr, int count)
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